Bernard Jackson
Bernard Jackson was born on March 27, 1918; he was a Ground Crew Chief at Snetterton. Below is some of his family history.
Survived by children Richard Jackson and Jean Jackson-Dowling and cousin Scharmal Conley

Bernard was awarded a Bronze Star on August 30, 1944: He serviced planes for a total of 312 missions; during that time span, none of the planes had to abort due to mechanical failures.
To the left, Clyde Jackson, Bernard Jackson's father. Clyde was a former Plattsmouth policeman.

Left: Bernard as a young child
Right: The three brothers

Left: Pearl Sutton married Bernard in 1951. They had two children, Richard Jackson and Jean Jackson-Dowling.

Right: Dan, the youngest; all three sons served concurrently in WW2.

According to the newspaper article on the left, Bernard's brother Dale, a ball turret gunner, had been killed a month before his 23rd birthday when his plane went down over German territory. The article stated that Bernard and Dale had "enjoyed a good visit together shortly before the fatal mission" and the newspaper sent the family their "sincere sympathy." But, NOT SO FAST . . . there he is in the middle of the picture below taken in 1981. He survived the downing of his plane and was sent to a German POW camp which he eventually was repatriated from (he was not Filipino, however, as the form below states).

Bernard took or was in many pictures while he served in the war. Below are a few:

Notice slide #3 picturing the ground crew in front of the B17 Flak Happy. If you look at the photo montage at the bottom of George Wyherek's page, he also took a picture of the Flak Happy: his photo is of the pilot, 1st Lt. Edmund I. Bolstad, standing in front of the nose art. On October 8, 1943, Bolstad was killed in a mission over Bremen, and his body was never recovered.

Bernard Jackson and his cousin Scharmal Conley taken in 1996 at Plattsmouth, Nebraska. Notice the cool airplane on his hat. A big thank you to Scharmal for providing the family pictures.